10 Reasons Lawyers Should Not Create Online Videos to Market Themselves

Saturday, November 17, 2012

1. They think it's another place to put it cheesy lawyer TV commercial, 2. They love hearing their own voice, 3. They think that creating online video is all about how great they are, 4. They think that online viewers really want to know about their credentials and where they went to law school, 5. They think they are exciting, lively and are want to-be talk show hosts like Jay Leno or Jon Stewart, 6. They don't know what else to do with their web cams sitting on top of their computer, 7. They have nothing useful to say, 8. They have a face made for radio, 9. Their office and their desk looks like a nightmare, 10. "Video Schmideo," who needs video when there is a yellow pages?

There are still lawyers out there who believe that they should not advertise in order to get new clients. They believe in the maximum "If you build it they will come." The reality is that most traditional forms of attorney advertising are becoming less and less relevant for consumers looking to hire attorneys. More and more, consumers are going online to look for useful information to make an educated decision about how to hire an attorney to help solve their particular legal problem.

Lawyers who truly understand that concept have begun creating educational messages to inform and educate online viewers. How do you stand out from all your other competitors? How can a consumer tell the difference between you and thousands of other lawyers who are all competing in the same market?

It's okay if you don't believe that video is right for you to help create educational messages to help your online viewers make smart decisions. I'm talking about giving viewers information that helps them understand how the legal process works. The best way to do that is with video.